17. august, 2008

Aeg: 16.08.2008.
Koht: Luige baas, harjumaa.
Kohtunikud: labradorid – Tom Grant (UK), ülejäänud – Tina Sulce (Läti).


  1. labradori retriiver Fine Label Liberty Lennon EST LV LTU BALT JCH
  2. siledakarvaline retriiver Brixia Nemunas
  3. kuldne retriiver Sarnell Highlander FIN CH TR CH
  4. kiharakarvaline retriiver Gypsy’s Soul Lancelot
  5. Nova Scotia retriiver Lauvstua’s Indian Pepper

BIS beebi:

  1. labradori retriiver Black Floyd Free Born
  2. siledakarvaline retriiver Majakkasaaren Zachary Brown

BIS kutsikas:

  1. kuldne retriiver Rogerwiek Icecream
  2. labradori retriiver My Brand Esquire

BIS juunior:

  1. kuldne retriiver Chess Alberto Aaron
  2. siledakarvaline retriiver Brixia Nemunas
  3. Nova Scotia retriiver Lauvstua’s Indian Pepper
  4. kiharakarvaline retriiver Gypsy’s Soul Lancelot
  5. labradori retriiver Elvendor Elf the Second

BIS veteran:

  1. kuldne retriiver Häämorin Auringosäde MULTI CH

BIS kasvataja:

  1. siledakarvalised retriiverid Majakkasaaren
  2. labradori retriiverid My Brand

BIS paar:

  1. siledakarvalised retriiverid Majakkasaaren VII-RUS & Majakkasaaren Yalo Granaatti
  2. kuldsed retriiverid Meiepere Eldwin & Meiepere Easy to Please

Labradori retriiverid:

TP Fine Label Liberty Lennon & VSP Tealway Chloe

TP Fine Label Liberty Lennon & VSP Tealway Chloe

Beebiklass (4-6 kuud)

TP BEEBI Black Floyd Free Born & VSP BEEBI Black Floyd Frank Zappa

TP BEEBI Black Floyd Free Born & VSP BEEBI Black Floyd Frank Zappa

1 VSPB EAH Black Floyd Frank Zappa
Kirjeldus: „Overall well balanced, good head shape, good length of muzzle, correct eye shape and colour, good bone, good length of upper arm, level topline and tail-set, short coupled, good coat, moved very well“.
1/1 TPB EAH Black Floyd Free Born
Kirjeldus: „Good type, nice feminine head, good eye shape and colour, good bone, level topline with good tail-set, good length of upper arm and layback of shoulder, well angulated rear quarters, very good coat, moved well“.
2 Forest Fan Quintilianus

Kutsikaklass (6-9 kuud)

TP KUTS My Barnd Esquire & VSP KUTS My Brand Extravaganza

TP KUTS My Brand Esquire & VSP KUTS My Brand Extravaganza

1 TP KUTS & EAH My Brand Esquire
Kirjeldus: „Overall very good type, well balanced masculine head, good eye shape and color, good length of upper arm and layback of shoulder, good reach of neck, level topline and tail-set, good depth of ribs with good turn of stifle, in good coat, moved very well“.
1 VSP KUTS & EAH My Brand Extravaganza
Kirjeldus: „Overall good type, feminine head, would prefer better depth of stop, good reach of neck, level topline and good tail-set, short-coupled with good spring of ribs, well angulated rear quarters, at the moment open-coated, moved ok“.
2 EAH Show Me the Way DJ Mister Chocolate

Juuniorklass (9-18 kuud)

TP JUN Elvendor Elf The Second & VSP JUN My Brand Beatrice

TP JUN Elvendor Elf The Second & VSP JUN My Brand Beatrice

1/1 TP JUN Jun Sert Elvendor Elf the Second
Kirjeldus: „Overall very good type, kind masculine head, good length and depth of muzzle, correct eye shape and colour, well set ears, very good layback of shoulder, good level topline, good depth and spring of ribs, well angulated rear quoarters, moved very well“.
1/1 VSP JUN Jun Sert My Brand Beatrice
Kirjeldus: Overall very good type, well balanced feminine head, would prefer darker eye, good reach of neck set on level topline, good tail-set and carriage, short-coupled with longer ribcage, good angulations to rear, correct double coat, moved well“.
1/2 Follies Montparnasse 1/2 Wizard’s Creek Vanilla Ninja
2/3 Strongline’s Quinton 1/3 Silronray’s Cerise
2/4 Tealway Guide to Life 1/4 Okeanas Holy Donna



1/1 TP VET Blondess Empire Businesslady RUS UA MOL LT EST CH
Kirjeldus: „Very good type, lovely feminine head, kind expression, good neck and shoulders, deep well sprung ribs, short-coupled, with well angulated rear quarters, good tail-set and carriage, very good coat, moved very well“.

Noorteklass (15-24 kuud)

1/1 SR2 PI2 Elvendor Elf the First 1/1 Elvendor Escort Girl
1/2 Reval Dream Blistatelnyi Uspeh 1/2 My Brand Immaterial Girl
2/3 Elvendor Eco Energy 2/3 Reval Dream Azartnaja Igra
2/4 Forest Fan Nestor


1/1 TP SR1 PI1 Fine Label Liberty Lennon EST LV LTU BALT JCH
Kirjeldus: „Excellent type, very good masculine head, good eye shape and colour, good angulation both front and rear, deep well-ribbed body, good topline and tail-set, short –coupled, very good coat, moved very well“.
1/1 SR3 PE3 Rocheby Liberty Belle EST RUS JCH BALT W’06
1/2 SR4 PI4 Sert My Brand Ballymore 1/2 SR4 PE4 Tweedledum Pink Floyd
1/3 Wizard’s Creek Tribute to Mystic LT JW’07 EST JW’07 EST W’07 BALT W’07 BALT JCH 1/3 Sparkhouse Ruby Tuesday
1/4 Bubbling Xerox EST JCH 1/4 Soft Soul April Damina


1/1 Fine Label Lord Lancelot 1/1 VSP SR1 PE1 Sert Tealway Chloe FIN CH
Kirjeldus: „Overall very good type, a kind well-balanced head, good neck and topline, good angulation both front and rear, good depth and spring of ribs, in good coat, moved well“.
1/2 Follies Rusticana


1/1 SR3 PI3 Adventurer’s Que Maravila FIN EST BLR RUS LT LV BALT CH 1/1 SR2 PE2 Mallorn’s Elysee EST LV LTU BALT JCH BALT JW’04
1/2 Paunvere Duffy EST V CH 1/2 Tealway Dollies FIN CH
1/3 Hill Height’s Ocean Princess ESTJ CH EST CH EST W’03 BALT W’03


1/1 Kennel My Brand
1/2 Kennel Elvendor

Paaride võistlus

1/1 Reval Dream Blistatelnyi Uspeh & Blondess Empire Businesslady

Saarmasaba võistlus

My Brand Beatrice

Kuldsed retriiverid:

TP Sarnell Highlander & VSP Rogerwiek My Fair Lady

TP Sarnell Highlander & VSP Rogerwiek My Fair Lady

Kutsikaklass (6-9 kuud)

1 TP KUTS EAH Rogerwiek Icecream
Kirjeldus: „Very nice 8 months old puppy, correct size and proportion, excellent bones and feet, very nice head and expression, good reach of neck, correct topline, nice free movement with free steps, very good angulation front and rear, excellent coat quality, temperament and handling“.
1 Sodelight So Happy
2 EAH Sodelight Amon-Ra
3 Rogerwiek Iceberg

Juuniorklass (9-18 kuud)

TP JUN Chess Alberto Aaron & VSP JUN Meiepere Easy to Please

TP JUN Chess Alberto Aaron & VSP JUN Meiepere Easy to Please

1/1 TP JUN Jun Sert PI2 Chess Alberto Aaron
Kirjeldus: „11 months old, good type and size, a bit long in loin, correct head but needs time to develop, good bone and feet, good neck and shoulders, strong topline, very good angulations  in rear, very nice free movement, a bit close in rear and a bit close in front, good coat quality, temperament and handling“.
1/1 VSP JUN Jun Sert PE2 Meiepere Easy to Please
Kirjeldus: „Very nice type, correct size and proportions, feminine head with good expression, very good angulations in front and rear, good forechest, correct topline, free movement with good steps, good coat quality, temperament and handling“.
1/2 Meiepere Excelsior 1/2 PE4 Rogerwiek Golden Glory
1/3 PI3 Meiepere Eldwin 1/3 Double Flame Moonbeam
1/4 Tuulepesa Aramis 1/4 Cayring Effie Elyrian



1/1 TP VET PI4 Häämorin Auringosade MULTI CH
Kirjeldus: „10 years old, good type and proportions, very nice head with good expression, good neck and shoulders, correct topline, very good angulations front and rear, good bone and feet, moves well, good coat and temperament“.

Noortkelass (15-24 kuud)

1/1 SR3 Siimline’s Theodor 1/1 SR2 PE3 Tramlin Timeless Music
1/2 Amazing Amber


1/1 SR2 Meiepere Confidence 1/1 SR1 PE1 VSP Rogerwiek My Fair Lady
Kirjeldus: „Good type, correct size and proportions, nice head with good expression, good reach of neck, correct topline, she is a bit thin today, good angulations front and rear, nice free movement, good coat, temperament and handling“.
1/2 Giacomo Herkus 1/2 SR3 Fairy Sunrise Bethina
2/3 Sarnell Monseigneur 1/3 SR4 Sert Fairytale’s Arabella


1/1 TP SR1 PI1 Sert Sarnell Highlander FIN CH TR CH
Kirjeldus: 9 years old, good type, correct size and proportions, good condition, nice head with correct expression, excellent bone and feet, correct topline, very good angulation front and rear, free movement, good coat quality and temperament“.

Paaride võistlus

Meiepere Eldwin & Meiepere Easy to Please Paaride võistlus

Kiharakarvalised retriiverid:

Juniorklass (9-18 kuud)

1/1 TP JUN Jun Sert TP Gypsy’s Soul Lancelot
Kirjeldus: „Strong junior male, good size and proportions, nice head with good expression, good reach of neck, good bones and feet, good angulations front and rear, correct topline, deep chest, moves ok, nice temperament and coat quality“.

Nova Scoti retriiverid:

Juniorklass (9-18 kuud)

1/1 TP JUN Jun Sert TP Lauvstua’s Indian Pepper
Kirjeldus: „Good type, size and proportion, nice head and correct expression, good neck and shoulders, good bones and feet, very good angulation front and rear, deep chest, very nice movement, correct coat quality, good temperament, well presented“.

Siledakarvalised retriiverid:

Beebiklass (4-6 kuud)

1 TP B EAH Majakkasaaren Zachary Brown
Kirjeldus: „5 months old, correct size and proportions, good type, nice head, a bit round in skull, I prefer a longer neck, a bit straight in shoulders, good bone and feet, good angulations rear, correct topline, moves ok, a bit slope croup, deep chest, good coat quality and temperament“.

Juuniorklass (9-18 kuud)

1/1 VSP JUN Jun Sert PI1 VSP Brandy Nemunas JW
Kirjeldus: „Excellent type, good size and proportions, strong head with good expression, good reach of neck, good bones and feet, correct topline, deep chest, excellent angulations, nice free movement, good coat quality, temperament and handling“.
1/1 TP JUN Jun Sert PE1 TP Brixia Nemunas JW
Kirjeldus: „Excellent type, size and proportions, very nice feminine head with correct expression, good reach of neck, good angulations front and rear, deep chest, correct topline, very nice free movement with frees steps, good coat quality, temperament and handling“.
1/2 Majakkasaaren Gillbert 1/2 PE2 Bagera Nemunas JW
1/3 Majakkasaaren Giovanni 1/3 Ananearaxiel
1/4 Majakkasaaren Gisella

Noorteklass (15-24 kuud)

1/1 SR4 Sert Majakkasaaren Epeli


1/1 SR3 PI4 Pikestar’s Ramazotti


1/1 SR2 PE4 Majakkasaaren Camomilla FIN EST LT RUS BLR CH LT JCH BALT JW’05


1/1 SR1 PI2 Majakkasaaren VII-RUS INT FIN EST LV LT RUS UKR BLR CH LT JW’04 LV W’06 1/1 SR1 PE3 Majakkasaaren Yalo Granaatti EST RUS LT BLR JCH EST V CH
1/2 SR2 PI3 Majakkasaaren Bili FIN EST RUS LT

Paaride võistlus

1/1 Majakkasaaren VII-RUS & Majakkasaaren Yalo Granaatti
1/2 Majakkasaaren Epeli & Majakkasaaren Gisella
1/3 Majakkasaaren Giovanni & Majakkasaaren Camomilla


1/1 Kennel Majakkasaaren
Categories: erinäitus, näitus, tulemused

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Viimane uuendus: 2015/11/20

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