Estonian Retrievers Society was founded in February 1999 with a purpose to gather around people who are interested in Retrievers, represent Retrievers and their breeders in Estonian Kennel Union and in whole Estonia – to advocate, protect and develope Retriever breeds.
Every free-willing society has the face of it’s members. Everybody has a possibility to create their own output in Estonian Retrievers Society, with collective actions, arranging trainings or free-time activities. As in every freewilling organisations – illimitable freedom to do-it-yourself and attract others into it. There is a chance for everybody.
If you want to get online information about Retrievers then you should join our Facebook page.
E-mail: juhatus(ät)
Post: Hallika talu, Tagametsa küla, Saue vald, 76409 Harjumaa.
Bank: SWEDBANK EE842200221014171209 or “Eesti Retriiverite Touuhing IBAN EE84 2200221014171209 Swedbank, S.W.I.F.T. HABAEE2X”.
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Viimane uuendus: 2022/10/18