Estonian Labrador Retriever Club organizes a retrievers Qualifying test (NOU) and Field Trial with cold game (NOME-B) on the 8th and 9th October 2016. Test (NOU) will take place on Saturday 8th of October and Field trial with cold game on Sunday 9th of October.

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Judge Vesa Hietikko, Fin.

Judge Vesa Hietikko, Fin.

Judge Vesa Hietikko, Fin.

Judge Vesa Hietikko, Fin.

Judge Vesa Hietikko, Fin.

Judge Vesa Hietikko, Fin.

Retriiverite tasemekatsel 16. sept. 2012 Harjumaal Soodajärve ääres osales 3 retriiverit – 2 koera ALG-klassis ja 1 koer VÕIT-klassis. Kohtunik oli Vesa Hietikko Soomest.