On March 21st at 3 p.m. a yellow male Labrador Retriever was spotted in Tallinn at Hiiu and Vabaduse street heading it’s way to Pärnu. The dog had a collar.
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Found: male Golden Retriever from Pelgulinna in March 16th 2011
* The dog is back at home * Found 5-year old male Golden Retriever from Tallinn Pelgulinna. The dog was microchipped but it’s number wasn’t in any database. Chipp nr: 978000000952618.
Lecture about feeding your dog on April 3rd in Tallinn
Organized by Estonian Samoyed Dog Association on April 3rd 2011, 12:30, at Susi Hotel (Peterburi road 48) in Tallinn. Lecturer is Merle Valdmann. Info: info@samojeed.ee.
Trainings for Retrievers working test
Trainings will be located near Tallinn. The purpose is to prepare your Retriever for Retrievers Working Test or for some other hunting test, and it is also a good chance to just do something interesting with your dog.

Coming: un-official Puppy & Veteran Show on May 28th 2011
Date: Saturday, 28.05.2011.Location: Tallinn, Viimsi stadium.Judges: Kristin Kerem (kennel Iiah’s), Kalvo Kriisk (kennel Gypsy’s Soul), Katrin Raie (kennel Dragonhunter) & Aire-Piret Pärn (kennel Egor-Dego).Show organizer: English and French Bulldog Society of Estonia. The Show is ALL-BREED show.
Üleval on juhatuse koosoleku protokoll 8. veebruarist 2011
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Coming: eye tests in Tallinn on February 27th
Date: 27.02.2011. Info & registration: lauringson@hot.ee (Maarika Lauringson). Eyes are tested by Dr. Ülle Kell for signs of PRA, HC and RD.

Coming: Retrievers CAC Specialty Show on June 4th 2011
Date: 04.06.2011. Location: Tallinn, Kalevi stadium (Staadioni 8). Judges: Anne-Berith Waskaas from Norway (Golden Retriever and Flat-Coated Retriever), Gera Toeters-Riethoff from The Netherlands (other Retrievers). Organizer: Estonian Golden Retrievers Society. Info: Kalvo Kriisk +372 50 47 699, Merike Kalle +372 53 586 378, naitus@kuldne.ee and www.kuldne.ee.