21. March, 2011

Dog in run!

On March 21st at 3 p.m. a yellow male Labrador Retriever was spotted in Tallinn at Hiiu and Vabaduse street heading it’s way to Pärnu. The dog had a collar.

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* The dog is back at home * Found 5-year old male Golden Retriever from Tallinn Pelgulinna. The dog was microchipped but it’s number wasn’t in any database. Chipp nr: 978000000952618.

Organized by Estonian Samoyed Dog Association on April 3rd 2011, 12:30, at Susi Hotel (Peterburi road 48) in Tallinn. Lecturer is Merle Valdmann. Info: info@samojeed.ee.

Trainings will be located near Tallinn. The purpose is to prepare your Retriever for Retrievers Working Test or for some other hunting test, and it is also a good chance to just do something interesting with your dog.

Date: Saturday, 28.05.2011.Location: Tallinn, Viimsi stadium.Judges: Kristin Kerem (kennel Iiah’s), Kalvo Kriisk (kennel Gypsy’s Soul), Katrin Raie (kennel Dragonhunter) & Aire-Piret Pärn (kennel Egor-Dego).Show organizer: English and French Bulldog Society of Estonia. The Show is ALL-BREED show.

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Date: 27.02.2011. Info & registration: lauringson@hot.ee (Maarika Lauringson). Eyes are tested by Dr. Ülle Kell for signs of PRA, HC and RD.

Date: 04.06.2011. Location: Tallinn, Kalevi stadium (Staadioni 8). Judges: Anne-Berith Waskaas from Norway (Golden Retriever and Flat-Coated Retriever), Gera Toeters-Riethoff from The Netherlands (other Retrievers). Organizer: Estonian Golden Retrievers Society. Info: Kalvo Kriisk +372 50 47 699, Merike Kalle +372 53 586 378, naitus@kuldne.ee and www.kuldne.ee.