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On June 4th 2011 was held all Retrievers CAC Specialty Show in Tallinn, Estonia.

Judges: Boris Spoljaric, Croatia – nova scotia retriiver. Augusto Benedicto Santos III, Filipines – labradori retriiver, siledakarvaline retriiver, kiharakarvaline retriiver. Elena Ruskovaara, Finland – others.

ERTÜ announces its general assembly meeting for Society’s members on June 4th 2011 at 5 p.m. in Tallinn Arigato Sports Center (Rannamõisa tee 3, Tallinn).

Sorry, this entry is only available in Eesti.

Sorry, this entry is only available in Eesti and Русский.

Date: 24.04.2011, 4 p.m. Location: Tiina Toomet’s Clinic (Sõle 3, Tallinn).Info: or +372 52 222 88.

* He is back at home. * A male Golden Retriever was found on March 30th near Pelgulinna Selver in Tallinn. The dog is microchipped (nr 978000000952618) but the number isn’t in any register. Info: +372 55 938 367 (Merily).