Date: 6.-7.08.2011.Location: Läänemaa, Ellamaa, Järveotsa lake. Judge: Risto Aaltonen (Finland).Info: ERTÜ, contact Riin Kooli-Kõnnussaar

Warning: Undefined variable $counter in /data01/virt4399/domeenid/ on line 40

Date: 18.-19.09.2010.Location: Ellamaa, Järveotsa lake.Judge: Risto Aaltonen (FIN).

Date: 18.09.2010.Location: Ellamaa, Järveotsa lake.Judge: Risto Aaltonen (FIN).

Registration form (in estonian) !! NEW RULES Location: LÄÄNEMAA, ELLAMAA Time: Sept 18th Retrievers working test with game and Sept 19th Retrievers working test with dummys Judge: Risto Aaltonen, Finland

Date: 29.09.2007.Location: Ellamaa, Järveotsa lake.Judge: Risto Aaltonen (Finland).