Dr. Ülle Kell visits dogs in Tartu on September 3rd at Janne Orro veterinary clinic (Pikk 64, Tartu). Additional info and registration to tests by phone +372 7 400 941. Dogs will be checked to HC, RD or PRA.

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Location: Tallinn, Valdeku clinic Date: 10.11.2009, 10 am. EIC * CNM * color test * PRA * RD/OSD * NARC Info: +372 50 40 116 (Maarit) or maarit@mybrand.ee. Registration:britta@royalbrown.ee (till October 30th!)

When: 27.09.2009, 5 pm Where: Toomet’s Clinic, Sõle 3, Tallinn. Registration: lauringson@hot.ee

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24. April, 2008

Silmauuringud Viljandis

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