Date: 11.03.2011, 01.04.2011. Location: Tartu, Janne Orro Veterinary Clinic (Pikk 64). Info & registration: phone nr +372  7 400 941.

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Date: 27.02.2011. Info & registration: (Maarika Lauringson). Eyes are tested by Dr. Ülle Kell for signs of PRA, HC and RD.

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Date: Friday, 28.01.2011Location: Tartu, Janne Orro veterinary clinic (Pikk 64)Info: by phone +372  7 400 941 Dogs will be checked for HC, RD and PRA by Dr. Ülle Kell.

Date: Friday, 10.12.2010. Location: Tartu, Janne Orro Veterinary Clinic (Pikk 64). Info & registration: Clinic’s phone +372 7 400 941.  Dogs will be checked for HC, RD and PRA by Dr. Ülle Kell.

Date: 16.12.2010. Location: Pärnu, Terveks Veterinary Clinic (Riia mnt. 109). Info & registration: Clinic’s phone +372 44 70 023. Dogs will be checked for HC, RD and PRA by Dr. Ülle Kell.

Dr. Ülle Kell visits dogs in Kuressaare on October 16th at Taluapteegi Veterinary Clinic (Tallinna 30, Kuressaare’s Loomakaubamaja). Additional info and registration to tests by phone: + 372 45 33782. Dogs will be checked for HC, RD and PRA.

Dr. Ülle Kell visits dogs in Tartu on October 22nd at Janne Orro veterinary clinic (Pikk 64, Tartu). Additional info and registration to tests by phone +372 7 400 941. Dogs will be checked for HC, RD and PRA.