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Date: 04.09.2011. Info and registrating:  lauringson@hot.ee.

Date: Wednesday, 27.04.2011. Location: Tartu, Janne Orro Veterinary Clinic (Pikk 64). Info & registration: phone nr +372  7 400 941.

Date: 24.04.2011, 4 p.m. Location: Tiina Toomet’s Clinic (Sõle 3, Tallinn).Info: kersti.ludvig@hot.ee or +372 52 222 88.

On June 3r, before the Labrador Retriever Specialty Showat 13 it is possible to have your dogs DNA collected (by swabs) for the tests of Coat Color, prcd-PRA, EIC, CNM, narcolepsia, RD/OSD).