On August 7th ERTÜ held its annual Puppy & Veteran Show. All Retriever puppies and veterans were welcome. Judge was Eva Vilamo (kennel Waterline’s) from Finland. Venue: Hager park, Kohila vald. Show was unofficial.
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Puppy & Veteran Show 2014
ERTÜ helds puppy & veteran show for all Retriever breeds on May 11th 2014 in Saku Mansion Park. The show is un-official and is judged by Hedi Kumm (kennel Free Choice, Estonia). Info: Pille-Riin Sepp, pilleriin.sepp@gmail.com.
June 2nd: new board members were elected
On June 2nd 2012 new board members for ERTÜ were elected: Reeli Kuhi-Thalfeldt (chairman), Monica Merima (vice chairman), Monika Normann, Kaidi Reiljan-Sihvart, Marilis Saul, Pille-Riin Sepp, Tatjana Zamorskaja. More about the new board soon.
Results of ERTÜ’s summer-autumn photo contest
Estonian Retrieveres Societys photo contest of best summer and autumn moments is now over and the winners are clear. First, we would like to thank a photographer and a judge Elisa Pekki (Finland). More than 140 photos were sent.