On August 7th ERTÜ held its annual Puppy & Veteran Show. All Retriever puppies and veterans were welcome. Judge was Eva Vilamo (kennel Waterline’s) from Finland. Venue: Hager park, Kohila vald. Show was unofficial.

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11. March, 2014

Puppy & Veteran Show 2014

ERTÜ helds puppy & veteran show for all Retriever breeds on May 11th 2014 in Saku Mansion Park. The show is un-official and is judged by Hedi Kumm (kennel Free Choice, Estonia). Info: Pille-Riin Sepp, pilleriin.sepp@gmail.com.

17. September, 2012

Uutest ERTÜ juhatuse liikmetest


On June 2nd 2012 new board members for ERTÜ were elected: Reeli Kuhi-Thalfeldt (chairman), Monica Merima (vice chairman), Monika Normann, Kaidi Reiljan-Sihvart, Marilis Saul, Pille-Riin Sepp, Tatjana Zamorskaja. More about the new board soon.

Estonian Retrieveres Societys photo contest of best summer and autumn moments is now over and the winners are clear. First, we would like to thank a photographer and a judge Elisa Pekki (Finland). More than 140 photos were sent.