Estonian Retriever Society organize certificate Working Test for retrievers on 04.04.2020. Judges: Laura Lazzaretto (Italy) and Peter Viviisa (Belgium). Location: Maria’s Farmhouse (Maria talu, Tõstamaa), Estonia. (Overnight stay possible)

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Entry is opened for CAC Specialty Show for Labrador Retrievers on Friday, August 19. Judge: Marilyn Nightingale, kennel Boothgate (UK) and judge in reserve, David Nightingale kennel Boothgate (UK). Venue: Jõelähtme park (Kivisilla 2, Jõelähtme village, Jõelähtme county). Organizer: ELRTÜ.

Sorry, this entry is only available in Eesti.

Judge: Lene Johansen, kennel Dee-Fair, Denmark (the committee reserves the right to make changes in extraordinary circumstances) Info: Phone no +372 55 690 338 Monika Normann or +372 5 054 474 Gea Mühlberg, e-mail and homepage

On Sunday, December 11 are held the finals of Estonian Junior Handler Championship. The second breed for them to present is a Labrador Retriever but the problem is that we don’t have enough dogs for that and the competition is in few days! So, everybody who are willing to give their Labrador Retriever for this purpose, please contact in time

Date: 03.06.2011. Location: Luige, Harjumaa. Judge: Manuel Queijeiro (Mexico).