2. September, 2013

Harjutuskatse järelkaja

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Trainings for preparing dogs for Retrievers Qualifying Test are held on April 8th at lake Soodajärve in Keila Harjumaa and on April 15th at lake Saarejärve in Jõgevamaa. Trainers are Koit Latik, Reeli Kuhi-Thalfeldt & Kristina Mägi; organizer: Estonian Golden Retrievers Society.

Sorry, this entry is only available in Eesti and Русский.

Sorry, this entry is only available in Eesti.

Date:14.05.2011.Location: Saare lake, Jõgevamaa.Judge: Koit Latik (Estonia, kennel Huntkey).Organizer: Estonian Golden Retrievers Society.

Trainings will be located near Tallinn. The purpose is to prepare your Retriever for Retrievers Working Test or for some other hunting test, and it is also a good chance to just do something interesting with your dog.

Time: 28.08.2010Place: Järveotsa lake at Harjumaa, near EllamaaJudge: Koit Latik (Estonia)