Specialty Show (CAC) for Labrador Retrievers In Savastvere, Tartu county on the 2nd of August 2014. Judge: Mrs MARGARET BROWN, Scotland Kennel Ramsayville
15. April, 2014
Specialty Show (CAC) for Labrador Retrievers In Savastvere, Tartu county on the 2nd of August 2014
Warning: Undefined variable $counter in /data01/virt4399/domeenid/www.retriiverid.ee/htdocs/wp-content/themes/Erty/archive.php on line 40
13. September, 2005
Tulekul retriiverite sügispäev Põlvamaal Saarjärvel 24. septembril 2005
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12. October, 2004
Kiirteade: sügispäev Põlvamaal jääb ära
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