Official Retrievers Working Test (WT) was held on 10th of March 2018. Organized by Estonian Retrievers Society. Honorable judges were Tomi Sarkkinen and Miso Sipola from Finland. Location: Kauksi, Ida-Virumaa, Estonia. Also great trainings on March 8-9th with Yulia Vershinina from Russia and March 11th with Tomi Sarkkinen and Miso Sipola were held.
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ERTÜ organizes 14.04-16.04.2017 unofficial Retrievers Working Test (RWT) and a training day. Judge and trainer is Julia Vershinina from Russia. Location: Kauksi, Ida-Virumaa (it’s possible to stay overnight).
21. February, 2016
Tulekul retriiverite töökatse (RWT) koolituspäev 1.mail 2016 Ida-Virumaal
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