Date: 10.10.2010.Location: Ellamaa, Järveotsa lake, Estonia.Judge: Ossi Kähärä (FIN). 5 Retrievers out of 6 passed Estonian first Field Trials (NOME-B hunting test).

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Date: 09.10.2010. Location: Ellamaa, Järveotsa järv.Judge: Ossi Kähärä (FIN).

Saturday, 09.10.2010: 09:15 – 12:30 – Retrievers working test.13:00 – 17:00 – Field Trial-training for advanced class. Sunday, 10.10.2010: 09:15 – 12:30 – official Field Trial.13:00 – 14:00 – Field Trial for beginners class.

9. -10.10.2010 – NOME training course 10.10.2010 – official NOME test Trainer and Judge: Ossi Kähärä (FIN)

Date: 09.10.2010 Location: Läänemaa, Ellamaa Judge: Ossi Kähärä (Finland)

Time: 28.08.2010Place: Järveotsa lake at Harjumaa, near EllamaaJudge: Koit Latik (Estonia)

Registration form (in estonian) !! NEW RULES Location: LÄÄNEMAA, ELLAMAA Time: Sept 18th Retrievers working test with game and Sept 19th Retrievers working test with dummys Judge: Risto Aaltonen, Finland