Retrievers qualifying test on 24.09.2011 in Jõgevamaa Saare lake. The test was judged by Petri Tuominen from Finland. Organizer: Estonian Golden Retrievers Society.

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Date:24.09.2011. Location: Saare lake, Jõgevamaa. Judge: Petri Tuominen (Finland).

On June 4th 2011 was held all Retrievers CAC Specialty Show in Tallinn, Estonia.

Date: 28.05.2011. Location: Saare lake, Jõgevamaa. Judge: Risto Heikkonen (Finland).

Date: 28.05.2011. Location: Saare lake, Jõgevamaa. Judge: Risto Heikkonen (Finland).

Date: Sunday, 29.05.2011. Location: Saare järv, Jõgevamaa, Estonia. Judge: Risto Heikkonen (Finland).

Date: 28.05.2011. Location: Saare lake, Jõgevamaa. Judge: Risto Heikkonen (Finland).  Organizers: Estonian Golden Retrievers Society and Estonian Retrievers Society.

19. May, 2005


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