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Juubeliõhtu – Eesti Retriiverite Tõuühing ja Eesti Kuldsete Retriiverite Tõuühing 20
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Tõu-ja tasemekatsed maikuus 2018
Sorry, this entry is only available in Eesti and Русский.

Retrievers Specialty Show (CAC) 02.06.2018 at Luige
Date: Saturday, 02.06.2018 12:00 Venue: Luige show grounds (Luige baas, Luige alevik, Kiili vald, Harjumaa, 75404) Organizer: Estonian Golden Retrievers Society Judges Chantal Varaine, France (kennel Du Pays De Boheme) – golden retriever, chesapeake bay retriever; Carina Östman, Sweden (kennel Caci’s) – labrador retriever, flat coated retriever, nova scotia retriever, curly coated retriever

Coming Retrievers Qualifying Tests (dummy/cold game) on May 28, 2016
EKRÜ organizes on Saturday, May 28,2016 Retrievers Qualifying Tests (NOU) with dummy and Test with cold game. Judge: Riin Kooli-Kõnnussaar from Estonia. Locationt: South-Estonia. More info and entry soon.
Coming in April: Retriever Trainings
Trainings for preparing dogs for Retrievers Qualifying Test are held on April 8th at lake Soodajärve in Keila Harjumaa and on April 15th at lake Saarejärve in Jõgevamaa. Trainers are Koit Latik, Reeli Kuhi-Thalfeldt & Kristina Mägi; organizer: Estonian Golden Retrievers Society.