Sorry, this entry is only available in Eesti.

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Sorry, this entry is only available in Eesti.

ERTÜ organized an Official Retrievers Qualifying Tests (cold game/dummy) on Saturday, September 10th 2016. Judge was Riin Kooli-Kõnnussaar from Estonia. Tests were held at lake Järveotsa, Ellamaa.

Judeg was Ari-Pekka Fontell from Finland. 

All Retrievers Specialty Show (CAC), summer camp & Retrievers Qualifying Test (cold game/dummy) will be held on 16.-17.07.2016 in South-Estonia! Golden Retrievers are judged by Mary Neil (kennel Moloko) from Scotland and all other Retrievers are judged by Rosa Agostini (kennel Rosemade) from Italy.

Judge was Niko Hiltunen, Finland. Location: Ellamaa. 

Judge Petri Tuominen, Fin.

Judge Vesa Hietikko, Fin.