Date: 04.06.2011. Location: Tallinn, Kalevi stadium (Staadioni 8). Judges: Anne-Berith Waskaas from Norway (Golden Retriever and Flat-Coated Retriever), Gera Toeters-Riethoff from The Netherlands (other Retrievers). Organizer: Estonian Golden Retrievers Society. Info: Kalvo Kriisk +372 50 47 699, Merike Kalle +372 53 586 378, and

Estonian Retrievers made history at International Show Finnish Winner 2010… Labrador Retriever MY BRAND ESPIRIT (13 months old Junior Class female) is a new Finnish Winner ‘2010, Finnish Junior Winner ‘2010, also she was Best Of Breed, got FIN CC and finally got Group IV placement!

*** The dog is back at home. (25.11.2010) *** Dogs age is aproximately 2 to 3 years.Info: Tabasalu Pet Center (Kallaste center 4). Phone nr: +372 56 366 971.

Date: Friday, 10.12.2010. Location: Tartu, Janne Orro Veterinary Clinic (Pikk 64). Info & registration: Clinic’s phone +372 7 400 941.  Dogs will be checked for HC, RD and PRA by Dr. Ülle Kell.

Date: 16.12.2010. Location: Pärnu, Terveks Veterinary Clinic (Riia mnt. 109). Info & registration: Clinic’s phone +372 44 70 023. Dogs will be checked for HC, RD and PRA by Dr. Ülle Kell.

International Dog Show “Estonian Winner 2011”. Dogs compete for the titles “Estonian Junior Winner 2011”, “Estonian Winner 2011” and “Estonian Veteran Winner 2011”. Qualifying Show for Crufts 2012. Date: 04.-05.06.2011. Retrievers are judged on June 5th. Location: Tallinn, Stadium Kalevi NB! Labradors Specialty Show (03.06.) and Retrievers Specialty Show (04.06.) are held in the same weekend.

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” src=”/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/labi_logo.gif” alt=”ERTÜ logo” height=”70″ />Aeg: reede, 03.06.2011. Näitus algab kell 14:00Koht: Luige baas, Harjumaa.Kohtunik: Mr Manuel Queijeiro (kennel Queijeiro, Mehhiko). NB! Laupäeval toimub Tallinnas retriiverite erinäitus ja pühapäeval rahvusvaheline näitus Eesti Võitja 2011. Date: 03.06.2011 (Friday). The show will start at 14:00. Location: Luige, Harjumaa, Estonia.Judge: Mr Manuel Queijeiro (kennel Queijeiro, Mexico) NB! On following Saturday there will be Retrievers Specialty and on Sunday an International Dog Show Estonian Winner 2011.