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Sorry, this entry is only available in Eesti and Русский.

Sorry, this entry is only available in Eesti and Русский.

On 31st December 2011 a black female Labrador Retriever was found near shop Maxima in Muuga, Harjumaa. The dog is ca 2-3 years in age (clean teeth), with wide and strong body and with a very beautiful otter tail. She wears a red collar. She is in heat! More info from kennel Reval Dream and Natalja who is taking care of the girl. Phone nr: +372 5 018 057 (Natalja).

Sorry, this entry is only available in Eesti.

Estonian Retrieveres Societys photo contest of best summer and autumn moments is now over and the winners are clear. First, we would like to thank a photographer and a judge Elisa Pekki (Finland). More than 140 photos were sent.

On May 12th in Türi, Järva county will be held Specialty Show (CAC) for hunting breeds. Retrievers are judged by Raija Tammelin from Finland. Registration lasts until April 16. Organizor: Estonian Hunting Dog Association.