12. September, 2018

Estonian Retrievers Society organized specialty show for Retrievers (CAC) on 9th September 2018 at Kumna manor grounds, Harju County.

Honorable judges: Sergio Scarpellini (kennel Dukeland) from Italy and Ingrid Hein from Estonia (kennel Cayring).

www.facebook.com/pg/eestiretriiverid/photos/?tab=album&album_id=2195257160549785">Photos of show (Ivi-Triin Vahera)

Information: Monica Merima (+372 527 2082), Monika Normann (+372 5569 0338)
naitus (at) retriiverid.ee



Mari-Liis Rihkrand, Eesti

All results:


Entry to spectators is free.
Parking is free.

Take your dogs vaccination book with you.


10:00 entrance to the show ground
11:00 judging starts


12:00 All who are interested can create something beautiful with a teacher of art Christina.

13:30 If the weather is fine, children and teachers from Kose Music School give a little concert.

14:00-15:00 Demonstration: PLAY – perfect motivator and tool in retriever training: How to start training, by Riin Kooli-Kõnnussaar & Smart Fox OÜ (the green area right from the entrance)

13:00 alates on kõigil koeraomanikel võimalus osaleda oma koeraga võistlusmängudes: “AHVATLUSTE RADA” ja võita auhindu Mängujuht Kertu.

Caffeteria of Kumna manor is open (cash and card).


Judge: Sergio Scarpellini, Italy
Dogs Junior Class (6)
Dogs Intermediate Class (4)
Dogs Open Class (6)
Dogs Working Class (2)
Dogs Champion Class (1)
Bitches Junior Class (10)
Bitches Intermediate Class (5)
Bitches Open Class (11)
Bitches Working Class (1)
Bitches Champion Class (2)
Breeder Class (5)
Progeny Class (2)
Brace Competition (5)

Dogs Junior Class (4)
Dogs Intermediate Class (1)
Dogs Open Class (1)
Dogs Working Class (2)
Bitches Junior Class (5)
Bitches Intermediate Class (2)
Bitches Open Class (2)
Bitches Working Class (3)
Bitches Champion Class (2)
Brace Competition (1)

Dogs Puppy Class (1)
Dogs Junior Class (2)
Dogs Open Class (1)
Total 87

Judge: Ingrid Hein, Eesti 
Dogs Baby Class (1)
Bitches Baby Class (3)
Dogs Puppy Class (6)
Bitches Puppy Class (9)
Dogs Veteran Class (4)
Bitches Veteran Class (5)

Dogs Baby Class (1)
Dogs Puppy Class (2)
Bitches Puppy Class (1)

Bitches Puppy Class (1)
Dogs Junior Class (1)
Total 34

Ring 2, 13:00 Judge: Ingrid Hein
Child And Dog (2)
Man And Dog (4)

RING 1, 15:20,  judge: Sergio Scarpellini
Three Generations (2)
Mother And Daughter (6)
Father And Son (2)

Judge: Sergio Scarpellini
The Best Breeder
Best Progeny
Best Brace
Best Baby
Best Puppy
Best Junior
Best Veteran
Best Working class dog


Baby class
4–6 months, Best of Breed Baby will be chosen
Puppy class
6–9 months, Best of Breed Puppy will be chosen
Junior class
9–18 months, don’t compete for CAC. Compete for Junior CAC, BOB junior and BOB
Intermediate class 15–24 months, compete for CAC and BOB
Open class
from 15 months, compete for CAC and BOB
Working class
from 15 months, compete for CAC and BOB. Working certificate required for entry (must be attached to the entry form)
Champion class
from 15 months, compete for CAC and BOB. Certificate of the title required for entry (must be attached to the entry form)
Veteran class
from 8 years, don’t compete for CAC. Compete for Veteran CAC, BOB veteran and BOB
Progeny class
3-5 offsprings of a stud dog or brood bitch. All the offsprings must come from at least two different combinatons of stud and bitch and must recieve at least VG (very good) at this show. “Best of Breed Progeny” will be chosen
Breeders class
3-5 dogs of the same breeder. Dogs must come from at least two different combinations of stud and bitch and must recieve at least VG (very good) at this show. “Best of Breed” breeders class will be chosen
Braces Additional competition for dogs. A male and a female dog of the same owner. Both dogs must recieve at least VG (very good) at this show. “Best of Breed” brace will be choosen
Three generations Unofficial competition for participants of the show (allowed to belong to multiple owners). Group of 3 following generations of same lineage: for example, grandmother, mother, daughter, or example 2: grandfather, daughter, grandson. BOB of Three Generations will be chosen and granted with special prize.
Dam and daughter

Sire and son

Unofficial competition for participants of the show. Braces consisting of dam and her daughter or father and his son can take part (allowed to belong to multiple owners). BOB Mother & Daughter and BOB Father & Son will be chosen and granted with special prize.
Child and dog Additional competition for child handlers up to 9 years of age, and their Retrievers.


By on-line system: online.kennelliit.ee/foreign.php?

By e-mail: naitus(at)retriiverid.ee

By post:
Eesti Retriiverite Tõuühing
Marguse, Alliku küla, Saue vald, Harjumaa 76403, Estonia

Entry documents (post/e-mail):

  • correctly filled entry form,
  • copy of pedigree (if not owning EST-studbook or FIN-studbook number),
  • copy of payment (write studbook numbers in explanation),
  • for Working Class entry: copy of working certificate,
  • for Champion Class entry: copy of Ch diploma.
  • for additional competitions: entry form 2

Keep in mind 🙂

Check your entry:

  • after we have received your entry documents, we will send you a confirmation – otherwise – we kindly ask you to call us and check your entry +372 527 2082

Additional competitions:

  • dam/daughter, sire/son, three generations, braces – we kindly ask to just send e-mail to naitus (ät) retriiverid.ee with just names of the dogs taking part of competitions.

Your dog is entered:

  • when all documents + payment has arrived on time.

Show prices

Please pay to account of MTÜ Eesti Retriiverite Tõuühing:

  • Receiver: Eesti Retriiverite Touuhing
  • Account nr: IBAN EE84 2200221014171209
  • Bank: Swedbank
  • For explanation write: “09.09. SHOW” and studbook numbers of dog(s) taking part.
  • The sender must cover all the expenses connected with the payment.
until 17.06.2018 until 20.08.2018
Baby, puppy, veteran * 20 € 20 €
Dog * 33 € 43 €
2nd & 3rd etc. dog of same owner * 28 € 38 €
Breeders cl, progeny,
veterans 10+ y
free free
Braces * 10 € 10 €
Child and dog * 10 € 10 €
Three generations * (unofficial) 9 € 9 €
Dam and daughter *

Sire and son*


9 €

9 €


9 €

9 €


2nd, 3rd etc. dog price applies when 1st dog is not baby, puppy or veteran.

Breeders and Progeny class are registered automatically if the Progeny class dog/bitch is registered to the show.

After 21.08.2018 special price: 65 €/dog (all classes, without reduced price) – until catalogue is not yet printed, and the organizer accepts your entry, please call +372 527 2082.


Kumna manor park, Kumna, Harju county, Estonia.

Advertising in catalogue

Perfect way to advertise your products, events, kennel, litter etc.

  • 1 page (grayscale): 10 €
  • Deadline: 20.08.2018

Contact: naitus(at)retriiverid.ee

The Organising Committee reserves the right to make changes in judges list, if necessary.

All dogs participating the show or other competitions must have a valid certificate of vaccination against Distemper, Rabies, Parvovirus infection (canine) and Hepatitis infectious (canine). For further information please check EKL vaccination rules and regulations.

All dogs must have an ID-marking (tattoo or microchip).

EKL show rules are to be followed.

Show is held in open air.

SERGIO SCARPELLINI (kennel Dukeland)

I live in Bergamo near Milan in the north of Italy. I’ve always had dogs by my side during my growth, and for the past 30 years I’ve been living with Labradors ever since my wife and I decided to start breeding this fantastic breed.

Over the years we have obtained excellent results and acknowledgments both in Italy and abroad, several Italian champions, Swiss, Swedish, Croatian, Brasilian, European and world champions, but one above all our beautiful Multi CH DUKELAND OVER THE TOP.

I have had the pleasure of being invited to judge, apart from Italy, also in Switzerland, Spain, England, Sweden, Hungary, Finland, Norway, Germany, Austria, Netherland, Poland, Czech Republic, Serbia, Croatia,Lituania, Slovenia, Romania,Russia and in USA when I judged at Potomac the wonderful show for the Labradors, is the Big Honor for me.

In the summer 2018 I’m also judging in Denmark and of course in Estonia, I am very excited to come and judge in Estonia to see your dogs.

Ingrid Hein, Eesti

„Minu koeraharrastus algas aastal 1976, kui sain oma esimese collie kutsika. Edasi läks tõeline huvi lahti, koolitused ja näitused ning peagi teine koer, siis pikem vahe ja emane koer… Aastatega koeri vaid lisandus ning algas ka kasvatustöö.

Esimesed kohtunikukursused ja hindamisõigused pärinevad aastast 1984. Hinnatavaid tõuge ei ole palju ja viimastel aastatel vähem aktiivne kohtuniku töös

Kennel Cayring on registreeritud 1993.a. Esimene kuldne retriiver tuli aastast 2000, ning temaga koos jahikoolitused ja põnevad üritused. Praegu osalen collidega näitustel ja tegelen aretusega.”

Main sponsor of the show is petshop “Minu Koer”

Minu koer 

Categories: Specialty Show, Dog Show, Results

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Viimane uuendus: 2022/10/18

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