On March 21st at 3 p.m. a yellow male Labrador Retriever was spotted in Tallinn at Hiiu and Vabaduse street heading it’s way to Pärnu. The dog had a collar.
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Found: male Golden Retriever from Pelgulinna in March 16th 2011
* The dog is back at home * Found 5-year old male Golden Retriever from Tallinn Pelgulinna. The dog was microchipped but it’s number wasn’t in any database. Chipp nr: 978000000952618.

Source: www.crufts.org.uk. The 120th dfs Crufts finished on a climax tonight as Sh Ch Vbos The Kentuckian, aka Jet, a Flatcoated Retriever was crowned Best in Show 2011.
Kasside / koerte steriliseerimise ja kastreerimise kampaania
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Amazing results from Finnish Winner’2010!
Estonian Retrievers made history at International Show Finnish Winner 2010… Labrador Retriever MY BRAND ESPIRIT (13 months old Junior Class female) is a new Finnish Winner ‘2010, Finnish Junior Winner ‘2010, also she was Best Of Breed, got FIN CC and finally got Group IV placement!
Found brown male Labrador in Nvember 23rd 2010 in Tabasalu
*** The dog is back at home. (25.11.2010) *** Dogs age is aproximately 2 to 3 years.Info: Tabasalu Pet Center (Kallaste center 4). Phone nr: +372 56 366 971.
Riigiportaalis www.eesti.ee uus lemmikloomade registreerimise võimalus
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Tulekul: kontakti ja lõdvas rihmas liikumise lühikursus Tallinnas
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