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9. September, 2011
24. septembril toimub Keilas seminar koerte käitumisest
Sorry, this entry is only available in Eesti.

31. August, 2011
On ilmunud põhjalik eestikeelne raamat labradori retriiverist
Margaret A. Gilberti „LABRADORI RETRIIVER“ on tõlkeraamatute sarja „Sinu parim sõber“ debüüt.

2. June, 2011
Winners of winter photo contest!
Finally the results are here! Photos were judged by Mikko Ahti from Finland. Mikko is a owner of two Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers, also he is a tracking judge and been photographing dogs and etc for many years – thank you, and also everybody who sent their lovely photos!