Today, after long struggle with cancer passed away Annika Laas (36 years old). We memorialize mother of four, chairman of Estonian Kennel Union, founding member and chairman of Estonian Golden Retriever Society’s, also owner of Tweedlyn kennel.
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Date: 25.04.2004. Location: Männiku metsatalu, Intsu küla, Viljandimaa. Judge: Annaliisa Harjukari, kennel Loresho (FIN).
23. April, 2004
Kuidas sõita kevadpäevale/üldkoosolekule Viljandimaal
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17. April, 2004
ERTÜ liikmete üldkoosolek tuleb uuesti kokku kutsuda
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2. April, 2004
ERTÜ järgmine laiendatud koosolek 6.aprillil 2004
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12. March, 2004
ERTÜ üldkoosolek toimub 17.aprillil 2004
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