Retriiverite tasemekatsel 16. sept. 2012 Harjumaal Soodajärve ääres osales 3 retriiverit – 2 koera ALG-klassis ja 1 koer VÕIT-klassis. Kohtunik oli Vesa Hietikko Soomest.
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Results: Field Trials (NOME-B) on May 27th 2012
On May 27th 2012 were held Field Trials (NOME-B) in Harjumaa at lake Soodajärv.Judge: Risto Heikkonen (FIN).
Puppy & Veteran Christmas Show results
On December 11th 2011 were held Estonian Kennel Unions annual non-official dog show for puppies and veterans “Christmas Show 2011”. Golden Retrievers, 28 dogs, and Labrador Retrievers, 22 dogs, were the most numerous breeds represented at this show.
Estonian Retrievers at Finnish INT Shows on Dec 3-4 in Helsinki
On December 3rd 2011 was held Inernational dog show “Helsinki Winner 2011” and a day later “Finnish Winner 2011”.
Results: Retrievers Specialty Show on Oct 1st 2011 in Kõrveküla
Date: 1.10.2011. Location: Kõrveküla, Tartu maaakond. Judges: Beppe Masia, Elena Caselori Videsott, Maret Kärdi.
Results: Retrievers Qualifying Test (NOU) with dummy on September 24th 2011
Retrievers qualifying test on 24.09.2011 in Jõgevamaa Saare lake. The test was judged by Petri Tuominen from Finland. Organizer: Estonian Golden Retrievers Society.