On August 6th 2011 another Estonian Retrievers Qualifying Test (NOU) was held, and this time with an amazing result – all 11 dogs (9 Labrador Retrievers and 2 Golden Retrievers, included 2 dogs from Latvia and 1 dog from Lithuania) passed the test! Judge was Risto Aaltonen from Finland.
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On August 6th 2011 another Estonian Retrievers Qualifying Test (NOU) was held, and this time with an amazing result – all 11 dogs (9 Labrador Retrievers and 2 Golden Retrievers, included 2 dogs from Latvia and 1 dog from Lithuania) passed the test! Judge was Risto Aaltonen from Finland.
Judges: Boris Spoljaric, Croatia – nova scotia retriiver. Augusto Benedicto Santos III, Filipines – labradori retriiver, siledakarvaline retriiver, kiharakarvaline retriiver. Elena Ruskovaara, Finland – others.
Results: Retrievers Qualifying Test with dummy on May 28th 2011 at lake Saare, Jõgevamaa
Date: 28.05.2011. Location: Saare lake, Jõgevamaa. Judge: Risto Heikkonen (Finland).