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Judge was Riin Kooli-Kõnnussaar from Estonia. Location: Järveotsa lake, Siimika, Harju County. Organizer: ERTÜ.

Retriiverite tõuomaste katsete reeglite muudatused
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Coming: Retrievers Qualifying Test (NOU) 29. September 2018
ERTÜ is organizing Official Retrievers Qualifying Test (with cold game, dummy; NOU) and Field Trials, NOME-B on September 29/30, 2018. Honorable judge is Vesa Hietikko from Finland. Location: Mustjärv, Piirsalu, Läänemaa. Everyone is welcome to come!

Tõu-ja tasemekatsed maikuus 2018
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Coming Retrievers Qualifying Tests on July 1st 2017
ERTÜ is organizing an Official Retrievers Qualifying Tests (cold game/dummy) on July 1st, 2017. Judge is Tuija Hukkanen from Finland. Location: Järveotsa lake at Ellamaa Harjumaa. At cold game test pheasants are used on searching grounds, ducks are used for waterwork, hare/rabbit is used for trail tracking. Only dummies are used at dummytest.

Results: Retrievers Qualifying Test (cold game/dummy) on Sept.10th, 2016 at Ellamaa
ERTÜ organized an Official Retrievers Qualifying Tests (cold game/dummy) on Saturday, September 10th 2016. Judge was Riin Kooli-Kõnnussaar from Estonia. Tests were held at lake Järveotsa, Ellamaa.

Coming: Retrievers Qualifying test (NOU) and Field Trial (NOME-B) on Oct 8-9, 2016
Estonian Labrador Retriever Club organizes a retrievers Qualifying test (NOU) and Field Trial with cold game (NOME-B) on the 8th and 9th October 2016. Test (NOU) will take place on Saturday 8th of October and Field trial with cold game on Sunday 9th of October.