” src=”http://www.retriiverid.ee/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/labi_logo.gif” alt=”ERTÜ logo” width=”129″ height=”100″ />Aasta ei ole veel läbi ning on viimane aeg valida 2014. aasta parimaid! Saatke oma koerte tulemused Aasta Retriiver 2014 konkursile!
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Erinäituse pilte võib leida ERTÜ Facebooki lehelt. Näitusetulemused: 2. august 2014 Savastveres Tartumaal, kohtunik Margaret Brown (Šotimaa).

15. April, 2014
Specialty Show (CAC) for Labrador Retrievers In Savastvere, Tartu county on the 2nd of August 2014
Specialty Show (CAC) for Labrador Retrievers In Savastvere, Tartu county on the 2nd of August 2014. Judge: Mrs MARGARET BROWN, Scotland Kennel Ramsayville

11. March, 2014
Puppy & Veteran Show 2014
ERTÜ helds puppy & veteran show for all Retriever breeds on May 11th 2014 in Saku Mansion Park. The show is un-official and is judged by Hedi Kumm (kennel Free Choice, Estonia). Info: Pille-Riin Sepp, pilleriin.sepp@gmail.com.