ERTÜ organized Retrievers Specialty Show (CAC) on July 16th 2016 in Võrumaa. Judges: Rosa Agostini (IT) and Mary Neil (UK). All results can be found HERE.
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Entry is opened for CAC Specialty Show for Labrador Retrievers on Friday, August 19. Judge: Marilyn Nightingale, kennel Boothgate (UK) and judge in reserve, David Nightingale kennel Boothgate (UK). Venue: Jõelähtme park (Kivisilla 2, Jõelähtme village, Jõelähtme county). Organizer: ELRTÜ.
Labradoride mitteametlik ülevaatusnäitus Springshow 2016
Sorry, this entry is only available in Eesti.
Best Show Dogs of 2015
Results are a combination of BIS and BIG placements from Estonian all breed shows (CAC). A candidate could take part of multiple categories; in a category only up to 7 results are counted.
Coming Puppy & Veteran Christmas Show on Dec. 12, 2015 in Tallinn
Show will take place on 12.12.2015 in Kristiine Spordihall (Forelli 12, Tallinn). Unofficial Show for Puppies and Veterans from all breeds (JUN CAC/CAC/VET CAC won’t be nominated).
1. augustil toimub Kutsikate ja Veteranide Show 2015
” src=”” alt=”ERTÜ logo” width=”129″ height=”100″ />Märkige 1. august oma kalendrisse, sest toimub ERTÜ iga-aastane kutsikate ja veteranide show! Kohtunikuks on Maria Saarniit (kennel Meiepere, Eesti). Koht: Kumna mõisapark Harjumaal.
Specialty Show for Flat-Coated & Labrador Retrievers on August 21st
” src=”” alt=”ERTÜ logo” width=”129″ height=”100″ />Reedel, 21. augustil 2015 toimub Tallinnas Kalevi Staadionil erinäitus siledakarvalistele ja labradori retriiveritele. Kohtunikud: Yvonne Jaussi, Šveits (kennel Neala’s) – siledakarvaline retriiver. Linda Harvey Major, UK (kennel Linjor) – labradori retriiver. AJAKAVA & INFO SIIN. You are welcome to enter your dog to Specialty Show for Flat-Coated and Labrador Retrievers (CAC) on Friday, August 21st 2015 in Tallinn Estonia. Honorable judges are Yvonne Jaussi, […]