ERTÜ organized Retrievers Specialty Show (CAC) on July 16th 2016 in Võrumaa. Judges: Rosa Agostini (IT) and Mary Neil (UK). All results can be found HERE.

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Entry is opened for CAC Specialty Show for Labrador Retrievers on Friday, August 19. Judge: Marilyn Nightingale, kennel Boothgate (UK) and judge in reserve, David Nightingale kennel Boothgate (UK). Venue: Jõelähtme park (Kivisilla 2, Jõelähtme village, Jõelähtme county). Organizer: ELRTÜ.

Sorry, this entry is only available in Eesti.

30. November, 2015

Best Show Dogs of 2015

Results are a combination of BIS and BIG placements from Estonian all breed shows (CAC). A candidate could take part of multiple categories; in a category only up to 7 results are counted.

Show will take place on 12.12.2015 in Kristiine Spordihall (Forelli 12, Tallinn). Unofficial Show for Puppies and Veterans from all breeds (JUN CAC/CAC/VET CAC won’t be nominated).

” src=”” alt=”ERTÜ logo” width=”129″ height=”100″ />Märkige 1. august oma kalendrisse, sest toimub ERTÜ iga-aastane kutsikate ja veteranide show! Kohtunikuks on Maria Saarniit (kennel Meiepere, Eesti). Koht: Kumna mõisapark Harjumaal.

” src=”” alt=”ERTÜ logo” width=”129″ height=”100″ />Reedel, 21. augustil 2015 toimub Tallinnas Kalevi Staadionil erinäitus siledakarvalistele ja labradori retriiveritele. Kohtunikud: Yvonne Jaussi, Šveits (kennel Neala’s) – siledakarvaline retriiver. Linda Harvey Major, UK (kennel Linjor) – labradori retriiver. AJAKAVA & INFO SIIN. You are welcome to enter your dog to Specialty Show for Flat-Coated and Labrador Retrievers (CAC) on Friday, August 21st 2015 in Tallinn Estonia. Honorable judges are Yvonne Jaussi, […]