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On May 12th in Türi, Järva county will be held Specialty Show (CAC) for hunting breeds. Retrievers are judged by Raija Tammelin from Finland. Registration lasts until April 16. Organizor: Estonian Hunting Dog Association.

On Oct. 9th 2011 was held Finnish Retriever Club main Specialty Show which took place in Lohja. Labrador Retrievers, 144 dogs, were judged by Alena Krutska (kennel Bohemia Bras, CZ) and Barbara Krumpak (Slovenia).. Black-colored, 2-year old Labrador Tapeatom F For Fabulous aka “Diego” was BEST OF BREED!

Date: 1.10.2011. Location: Kõrveküla, Tartu maaakond. Judges: Beppe Masia, Elena Caselori Videsott, Maret Kärdi.

Näitus toimub 1. oktoobril 2011 Tartu maakonnas, Kõrvekülas (Kõrveküla spordihall asub Tartust ca 8 km).