Upcoming: 25-26.07.2020 Retrievers Qualifying Tests (NOU & NOME B) Location at Selgjärve, Ellamaa. Judge Vesa Tapani Turunen (FIN) Qualifying Test (NOU)  25.07.2020 NOME B AVA and VÕI classes 25.07.2020 NOME B ALG class 26.07.2020 Registration opens 08.07.2020 until 20.07.2020 or until spots are filled. Information: Maria Grigorjeva, , +372 558 0024 e-mail maria.grigorjeva(ät)gmail.com Tatjana Zamorskaja +372 58048468 e-mail tatjana.zamorskaja(ät)gmail.com   Event at Facebook   Pricing: ERTÜ & other Estonian retriever club […]

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16.-23. 08.2020  Estonian Retrievers Society is organising a traditional working camp for retrievers: BaltRetCamp 2020 Preliminary program 15.08.2020 evening – Arrival of participants in the Trofee hunting house (only by prior registration through the organizers) 16.08.2020 – Working Test, judges are Laura Lazzaretto (Italy) and Pieter Vivijs (Belgium)/ the place of WT  the Trofee hunting house 16.08.2020 evening after the award – transfer to our standard camp in Kauksi and late […]

Estonian Retriever Society organize certificate Working Test for retrievers on 04.04.2020. Judges: Laura Lazzaretto (Italy) and Peter Viviisa (Belgium). Location: Maria’s Farmhouse (Maria talu, Tõstamaa), Estonia. (Overnight stay possible)

7. October, 2003

Madonna võitis!

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