10. March, 2011

ERTÜ logoDate: Sunday, 29.05.2011.
Location: Saare järv, Jõgevamaa, Estonia.
Judge: Risto Heikkonen (Finland).


Via e-mail reeli.kuhithalfeldt@mail.ee (Reeli) until May 22nd or until places left.

Send documents:

Dog is registrated when all documents have arrived.
Note your name, e-mail and phone nr.

Exact location and time will be announced after the registration has ended.


Swedbank, account of Eesti Retriiverite Tõuühing nr 221014171209, show yor name and “NOME-test 2011“.

Club member 25 €
Others 32 €

Important to know!

Dog must be identifyed by microchip or by tattoo.
Also take dogs vaccination passport with you. The rules are same as EKU’s.


Categories: Field Trial with cold game (NOME-B), work

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Viimane uuendus: 2014/10/20

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