15. March, 2023

08.-10.04.2023 г. Estonian Retrievers Society organize

Spring Working Test and trainings for retrievers

Preliminary program

08.04.2023 – Working Test, judges are Carsten Nissen ja Boye Rasmussen (Denmark)

09.-10.04.2023 trainings with Carsten Nissen ja Boye Rasmussen (Denmark), priority is given to WT participants for training, other dogs with basic obedience can be booked if available

A detailed program will be sent to each participant separately a few days before the camp.


cost of living on the place:

All rooms have a WC and bathroom with floor heating,
a kitchenette with fridge, stove and microwave oven and
comfortable 90 cm wide pocket spring beds.



Room for one person

45 €/night (if available)

Room for 2 persons

35 €/person/night

Taxes for dog 1 night

dog10€, second dog of the same owner 5€

Taxes for dog 2 nights or more

dog15€, second dog of the same owner 10€

Lunch – 1 dish

7 €/person

Dinner – 2-dishes

14 €/person

P.S. breakfast in accommodation price

the cost of participation in WT and training with judges:

  • the cost of participation in working tests or dummy trials is 40 euros
  • the cost of participation in trainings with judges: 90 euros per dog per day (training will last in the group 3-3.5 hours). Discount to second dog on training or second day of training -10 eur.
  • The cost of a spectator for training without a dog is 20 euros one day. A participant who bought a training with a dog can watch other training for free on this or second day with these judges.
  • Video filming during training is prohibited.

Payment for the camp, accommodation and training is done on site in cash.

WT payment is made to the bank marked “Spring WT 2023” to the account of Estonian Retrievers Society EE842200221014171209 before 01.04.2023

Participation in all of the above events is possible only by appointment before 26.03.2023 or until the end of the places.

additional information tatjana.zamorskaja(ät)gmail.com or +372 58048468

Categories: Unspecified

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Viimane uuendus: 2023/03/15

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